This is a 9.5 mile run from Granada Park.

Directions to Granada Park: Take the 51 to the Glendale Rd exit. Go East to 20th St, turn south and go approximately ½ mile to park. Pull into entrance and proceed about 100 yards, park here.

Granada Park 9.5

Granada Park 9.5

Turn left out of park and go to Maryland, turn right and go past canal about 50 yards, take path that runs between horse corral and church, turn left (South) Follow path onto 20th Street and proceed South to Bethany Home Rd.
Turn Right onto Bethany and go to 18th Street, turn left.
Take 18th St to Missouri and turn right (West) go to 16th Street and turn left.
Take 16th St to Colter St, turn right (West).
Take Colter St to Central Ave. and turn right (North) on Central.
Go North on Central, merging onto Bridle Path at Bethany Home Rd, continuing North to Northern Ave.
Turn right on Northern and go to 7th St. Take 7th St to north bank of Arizona Canal and turn right.
Follow Arizona Canal and return to Granada Park.