June 6, 2015
Meet at the McDonald’s on Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway at 6:00 AM. There are 3 loops to choose from. (Note: the 11.1 mile loop can be shortened for those wishing for shorter distance.)
Meet at the McDonald’s on Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway at 6:00 AM. There are 3 loops to choose from. (Note: the 11.1 mile loop can be shortened for those wishing for shorter distance.)
Meet @ Kiwanis Park, 6:00 AM for a 7 miler. Extra mileage can be added before or after. Directions
Meet @ the Sole Sports Tempe location @ 6:30 AM for a 6 miler.
Note: in event of rain tomorrow check here for update @ 5:00AM.
Meet at Einstein’s parking lot, University & Rural @ 6:00 AM for a scavenger run!
Map tbd?
Meet in the parking lot @ Vista Canyon Park for a 6:00 AM run. There will be a choice of two loops, a 5.2 mile, or the 8.5 mile. Here are the run directions.
Meet at Tempe Beach Park @ 6:00 AM for a 7+ mile run. Meet for start –>Tempe Beach Park, Tempe, AZ 85281
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