September 28, 2013
Meet at the McDonald’s on Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway at 6:00 AM. There are 3 loops to choose from. (Note: the 11.1 mile loop can be shortened for those wishing for shorter distance.)
Meet at the McDonald’s on Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway at 6:00 AM. There are 3 loops to choose from. (Note: the 11.1 mile loop can be shortened for those wishing for shorter distance.)
Meet @ Sole Sports for 5:45 AM 8 miler. Here are the Directions.
Meet in the parking lot @ Vista Canyon Park for a 5:30 AM run. There will be two loops, a 5.2 mile and an 8.5 mile. All runners will begin together. Here are the run directions. Trail runners will meet @ 5:00 AM for a 7 + mile run to Bagel Nosh on the Desert Classic trail.
Meet at Desert Breeze Park for a 5:30 AM run. Access the park from Rural Road and Desert Street. (see image)
Quinn’s Crew and any interested trail runners will be meeting at the Safeway in Fountain Hills, @ 5:45 AM for some trail fun in McDowell Mountain Park.
Quinn’s Crew meet @ South Mountain Park, Pima Canyon trailhead, 5:30 AM for some trail running. Other runners meet @ The Nosh for an Equestrian run, 5:30 AM.
Meet in the Einstein’s parking lot @ 5:30 AM for your choice of a 5+ or 10+ mile loop. (Ignore labels on maps)
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