August 24, 2013

The long runners, a.k.a. Quinn’s Crew, will be meeting at the very end of Chandler Blvd. at 5:00 A.M., for a 7+ mile trail/road run on the Pyramid Trail.  This is a new location for our group but it has been highly recommended by local runners as a great trail run.  Please bring headlights as you will be starting in the dark!

The rest of our group will be meeting at the McDonald’s parking lot, on the southwest corner of Chandler Blvd and Desert Foothills Parkway, at 5:30 A.M. for a 7 plus miler.  This run has two loops so don’t be deterred by the mileage if you are just starting back with the group.

Foothills 3.3 directions

Foothills hill loop

Foothills hill loop

Foothills 3.3

Foothills 3.3