January 12, 2013
The run begins and ends at Bagel Nosh, which is on the Southwest corner of 48th Street and Warner. Start time 7:00 AM.
The run begins and ends at Bagel Nosh, which is on the Southwest corner of 48th Street and Warner. Start time 7:00 AM.
Meet @ Vista Canyon Park for a 7:00 AM run.
Meet @ Vista Canyon Park for a 7:00 AM run. There will be two loops, a 5.2 mile and an 8.5 mile. All runners will begin together. Here are the run directions.
All runners (marathon and half) meet at Einstein’s parking lot, University & Rural @ 7:00 AM for an 8 mile run.
Meet @ Desert Breeze Park, 6:30 AM for an 8.6 mile run. Run directions here.
Meet @ Vista Canyon Park for a 6 :30 AM run. There will be two loops, a 5.2 mile and an 8.5 mile. All runners will begin together. Here are the run directions.
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