December 31, 2011

Meet @ Kiwanis Park in Tempe at 7:00AM for runs.

Kiwanis 7

Kiwanis 7

Directions: Left out of parking lot on All American Way. Go to stop sign, Cornell, turn right.
Follow Cornell across Rural (becomes Southshore Dr) and continue to McClintock, turn right.
Take McClintock south across Guadelupe to the canal, turn right. Go to Rural Rd, turn left.
South on Rural to Elliot, turn right. Go to path on west side of golf course, turn right.
Follow path to canal and turn left, continue on canal path and return to Kiwanis Park.

December 24, 2011

Meet in parking lot @ Pima Canyon trail head @ 6:30AM for a fun trail run. Go south on 48th Street from Elliot. Turn left where road veers right towards Guadelupe; as if you are entering the Pointe, make a hard left into South Mountain Park and go to the parking area.