December 4, 2010
Meet at the McDonald’s on Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway. The run will consist of 3 loops. The first hill loop begins @ 6:30 AM. At around 7:30 there will be an 11.1 mile loop from the Foothills over to Lakewood, up to Ray and then returning to the Foothills. At the conclusion of this loop all survivors will run the first hill loop in reverse. Total for all loops will be approximately 19.7 miles of fun.
November 27, 2010
Run begins @ Vista Canyon Park @ 7:00 AM.
Directions: Run left from parking lot on Mountain Vista Dr to Chandler Blvd. Left on Chandler Blvd to 24th St, turn left. Go to Liberty and turn right. Run to Clubhouse Dr and turn right. Follow Clubhouse to Chandler and turn left. Take Chandler to Marketplace and turn left. Go to 12th St, turn left. Follow 12th St to Liberty and turn left. Liberty to 24th St and turn left. Run to Chandler Blvd and turn left. Go to 21st St and turn right. 21st St merges into Thunderhill. Follow Thunderhill to Ray and turn left. Take Ray to the greenbelt and turn right, returning to Vista Canyon Park.
Turkey Day Run, 2010
November 20, 2010
Meet at the usual spot in Kiwanis Park.
9 mile run is scheduled beginning @ 7AM.
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