Saturday, September 12

Hi Runners,kiwanis_einsteins_7

We have two groups running different mileage this weekend but we intend to meet up and enjoy each other’s company for approximately 7 miles.  Kate, Deirdre and Ken will be meeting at Kiwanis Park at 4:00 AM for a 6.5 miler which ends at the Cornerstone Plaza parking lot at the northeast corner of University and Rural.  The remainder of the group will rendezvous with this trio at Cornerstone between 5:15 and 5:30AM.  We will run a 7 mile route which ends back in the parking lot.  Kate, Deirdre and Ken will run back to Kiwanis for a completion of their 20 mile run.


September 5th, 2009

This week is one of my favorite runs (except for College Ave) which takes you from Kiwanis Park north to Tempe Town Lake and return. There is a turnaround point for those who are running 6 miles this weekend. The full route is 11.2 and there are bathrooms at Starbucks on Mill Avenue @ 5th and also on the north side of Tempe Town Lake by the Marina. Start time is 4:30 A.M, the heat is finally breaking, fall is on the way, should be a great morning for a run. Some of us will be in Orange County for the Disneyland Half Marathon, enjoy! Click the thumbnail below for a larger image. A .pdf version is located here.September 5th, Kiwanis Park

Saturday, August 22nd runs

There are 3 maps for the above run. There is a 10 mile, an 8 mile and a 5+ mile. Since folks are running different training schedules, you can plug in the runs you need for your distance. Car poolers will meet at 4 A.M. at Bagel Nosh and drive to Granada Park in Phoenix for the 4:30 A.M start. Granada Park is located here . Click on the maps for a larger view.

10 mile run Note: the turn onto Central is a left and not a right turn!


5+ mile run

Granada_5_38 mile run


August 8th 7.5 miles

tempe_einsteins_7_5Meet at the Cornerstone Einstein Bagels parking lot at Rural and University at 4:45 AM for this Saturday run. Click on the image to view the full size map.