by Ken | Sep 10, 2009 | Training Runs
Hi Runners,
We have two groups running different mileage this weekend but we intend to meet up and enjoy each other’s company for approximately 7 miles. Kate, Deirdre and Ken will be meeting at Kiwanis Park at 4:00 AM for a 6.5 miler which ends at the Cornerstone Plaza parking lot at the northeast corner of University and Rural. The remainder of the group will rendezvous with this trio at Cornerstone between 5:15 and 5:30AM. We will run a 7 mile route which ends back in the parking lot. Kate, Deirdre and Ken will run back to Kiwanis for a completion of their 20 mile run.

by Ken | Sep 3, 2009 | Training Runs
This week is one of my favorite runs (except for College Ave) which takes you from Kiwanis Park north to Tempe Town Lake and return. There is a turnaround point for those who are running 6 miles this weekend. The full route is 11.2 and there are bathrooms at Starbucks on Mill Avenue @ 5th and also on the north side of Tempe Town Lake by the Marina. Start time is 4:30 A.M, the heat is finally breaking, fall is on the way, should be a great morning for a run. Some of us will be in Orange County for the Disneyland Half Marathon, enjoy! Click the thumbnail below for a larger image. A .pdf version is located here.
by Ken | Aug 28, 2009 | Training Runs
Short run from Vista Canyon Park.
by Ken | Aug 21, 2009 | Training Runs
There are 3 maps for the above run. There is a 10 mile, an 8 mile and a 5+ mile. Since folks are running different training schedules, you can plug in the runs you need for your distance. Car poolers will meet at 4 A.M. at Bagel Nosh and drive to Granada Park in Phoenix for the 4:30 A.M start. Granada Park is located here . Click on the maps for a larger view.
10 mile run Note: the turn onto Central is a left and not a right turn!

5+ mile run
8 mile run

by Ken | Aug 14, 2009 | Training Runs
Meet @ Vista Canyon Park before 5 AM. One group will do mile repeats and speed training @ the Desert Vista track. Second group will do a 6.7 mile run, featured below.
by Ken | Aug 7, 2009 | Training Runs
Meet at the Cornerstone Einstein Bagels parking lot at Rural and University at 4:45 AM for this Saturday run. Click on the image to view the full size map.
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