March 31, 2018
The Bye Bye Bobbi Run: Meet in the parking lot of the Tempe Arts Center
at 6:30 AM for an 8 mile run or distance of your choice. Map to print.
The Bye Bye Bobbi Run: Meet in the parking lot of the Tempe Arts Center
at 6:30 AM for an 8 mile run or distance of your choice. Map to print.
Meet at Tempe Beach Park, Tempe, AZ 85281
@ 5:00 AM for a 7 mile run. Map for download
The Big Sur training group is now running longer runs on Saturdays. In an effort to not upset our breakfast schedule, they will be running extra miles earlier each Saturday. (Note: see proposed Saturday run locations at bottom of post.)
Meet in the parking lot of the Tempe Arts Center
Big Sur group: at 5:45 AM for a 5 mile run.
Slowrunners: at 6:45 for a 7 mile run. Same route only starting at the Tempe Arts Center.
March 11 | Tempe Town Lake | 12 miles |
March 18 | Arcadia | 14 miles |
March 25 | Kiwanis | 12 miles |
April 1 | Granada | 16 miles |
April 8 | North Scottsdale | 12 miles |
April 15 | Light Rail? TBD | 20 miles |
April 22 | Tempe Town Lake | 12 miles |
Meet at Tempe Beach Park, Tempe, AZ 85281
@ 6:00 AM for a 9.5 mile run. Map for printing.