May 7, 2011
Meet in the parking lot just west of McDonald’s on the southwest corner of Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway @ 6:00 AM for your choice of 2 loops.
Meet in the parking lot just west of McDonald’s on the southwest corner of Chandler Blvd & Desert Foothills Parkway @ 6:00 AM for your choice of 2 loops.
Meet @ Vista Canyon Park for a 6 :00 AM run. There will be two loops, a 5.2 mile and an 8.5 mile. All runners will begin together. Here are the run directions.
Meet at Sole Sports for a 6.6 miler beginning at 6:00 AM
There are several runs planned for this weekend. On Saturday some of the group is running Pat’s Run; a great cause for which you may still register at the packet pickup area on the north side of ASU stadium.
There is a 6 mile run on Saturday morning at 6 A.M. beginning at Bagel Nosh.
There is a two loop, 14 mile run taking place on Sunday morning beginning @ 5:45 A.M. This run begins @ Arcadia Plaza Shopping Center and is similar to the runs that Cindy mapped for us this past winter.
Thanks Cindy!
Two loops, one with hills departing from Desert Foothills Park. Run begins @ 6:30 A. M.
There will be two loops to choose from. Pick one for a short workout or do both if you feel manly (or womanly). Meet @ the Einsteins in Tempe for a 6:00 AM run. Directions for both loops.
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